About Us

Rconcerts.com is the number one source for all the biggest Russian events in the US.

Find concert tickets and all the details about the hottest special events, concerts, festivals, venues and artists.
We pride ourselves in connecting fans with their favorite Russian artists in North America. RConcerts.com is the only place for updates about upcoming Russian events in the USA.
Get all the details and the tickets to the most amazing shows and performances!
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Looking to throw your own event? Book an artist?
We organize full U.S. tours and individual concerts for artists in many venues around the world. Our knowledge and expertise will make your event simply unforgettable. Whether it is a corporate or private event, a local concert at a small or large venue, or a full tour – we will handle every detail of your event, so that you can enjoy it! If you would like to have a local artist or international star at your event – our company will make it happen in the most efficient time and cost for you.

Julietta Bonelli is an agency that provides musical entertainment for private events in the U.S. and Eastern Europe. For more information go to: www.jbartistbooking.com